Make A Difference In The Life Of A Child
Shabelle Foundation is an independent humanitarian, non-profit, non-governmental organization which provides all kinds of agricultural assistance and support including the distribution of agricultural inputs, increasing agricultural production and revenues, and food security to the poor and conflict-effected populations living in Somalia particularly agrarian communities across the Shebelle River.
Shabelle Foundation was founded in August 2012 to respond to the deteriorating situation in Somalia caused by the protracted internal conflicts combined with natural disasters including sever draughts and floods. Shabelle aims to advocate for a positive change by providing the required support and assistance to the minorities and disabled groups in both ruler in urban areas.
Shabelle Foundation is dedicated to tackling poverty and suffering in the poorest region and to working with the poorest people in those regions, directly empowering them to improve their lives. We intend to use our knowledge and experience to influence decision made at a local, national, and international that can significantly reduce extreme poverty and human suffering.
Let your life be an Inspiration
Our Aim
Shabelle Foundation envisages a country where those who are poor and marginalized exercise their capacities, build their own lives and take charge of their future.
Our Mission
Our mission it to respond in emergencies, and to stay to help people rebuild their lives by providing support to meet immediate humanitarian needs. We aim to improve the condition of those who live in marginalized areas in the country.
We strengthen the livelihoods of the people through well designed and innovative programs that are responsive to the critical needs of the communities we serve. In doing this, we will endeavour to deliver operational excellence in all activities and meet our pledges to the many stakeholders we serve.
Better World For All Children
Goal and Objectives
To improve the socio-economic, environmental of the poor people including persons with disabilities and minorities through agriculture and livestock led growth, complemented by income generating activities and diversification. We belief agricultural development is the basis on which families’ income will be restored and building back better local economies will rest upon
• To increase the economic status of the poor and ultra poor through ensuring their involvement in Income Generating Activities and creating employment opportunities.
• To empower the poor people including women and minority socially and economically.
• To promote rights and justice for poor men, women, children as well as for the disabled and minorities.
• To support the activities and initiatives of the government as a development partner.
• Ensure the participation of the disadvantaged, vulnerable people including children in the development activities.
• To conduct advocacy for the betterment of the poor people and most marginalized.
• To increase the agro based production through using modern technology.
• To assist people in disaster preparedness and management.
• To protect the environment from any degradation and pollution.